Activities :
Every child is an individual and at Best Friends Childcare Centre we give everyone the opportunity to learn about other communities. Best Friends Childcare Centre ensures that all children are treated as equals and are encouraged to take part in every aspect of the center’s activities, to include topics, stories, displays, festivals and food.
At Best Friends Childcare we aim to make everyday fun and exciting. We are delighted to have on board Drama Llamas an external company who provides the children with a great new learning opportunity.
Drama is a wonderful tool for learning so each one of our action-packed storytelling and drama sessions is designed with a learning experience in mind. We cover many themes, such as weather, animals, space, road safety, mini beasts, birds and many, many more.
However, the learning goes further than the just theme, we use the story as a touchstone for other imaginative learning opportunities. Within the general theme of ‘under the sea’, for example, we may explore numeracy and scale, whilst within the general theme of ‘holidays ‘we may cover rhyming, opposites, colour or shape.
Attending regular Drama Llamas sessions will help children understand the structure of stories and fine tune their listening skills – both of which are essential preparation for school, early reading and making sense of the world around them. The children play with language and explore emotions helping them to better communicate and understand their own feelings.
So, Drama Llamas is rich with learning opportunities for the children – but from their point of view, they are simply having lots and lots of fun!
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